
Niles Solo-6 IR Keypad In-Wall Controller for Niles ZR-6 MultiZone Receiver

Niles Solo-6 IR Keypad In-Wall Controller for Niles ZR-6 MultiZone Receiver

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Niles Solo-6 IR Keypad In-Wall Controller for Niles ZR-6 MultiZone Receiver

Learn more about Magnolia Premium Assembly That keypad works with ZR-6 multizone receivers plus benefits 6 color-coordinated learn important factors the fact that permit one-touch manipulate across any amusement. The built-in plasma/LCD-resistant IR sensor gives you wireless far off operations from extensive kilometers and also large facets....Read more

Special Price Niles Solo-6 IR Keypad In-Wall Controller for Niles ZR-6 MultiZone Receiver

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